
Family Practice Areas

Collaborative Law

Caroline is a trained collaborative lawyer and is pleased to offer collaborative family law services to clients in the Vancouver area as well on the Sunshine Coast. To learn more about whether this process option might be a good fit for your family, try starting here.


A divorce is simply a court order ending a marriage. In the simplest of divorce cases, where parties have already resolved all of their substantive issues, we offer flat rate fees for this service.


Mediation is a voluntary, private negotiation process that makes use of a trained third party who works with parties to come up with an agreement. Caroline is an accredited mediator and skilled in interest-based negotiation techniques. This approach promotes understanding each parties' needs and working together to come up with customized solutions to maximize benefits both parties.

Cohabitation and Marriage Agreements

The best way to feel secure in your financial future is to discuss and agree with your spouse about how, if you ever have to, you will arrange to separate your lives.


While litigation should usually be a last resort, our firm offers selective services to clients who need to make use of the court system.

Separation Agreements

Sometimes couples are able to resolve matters around the kitchen table and simply need those agreements to be formally prepared by a lawyer. If you and your spouse can communicate well, this is an inexpensive way to resolve the issues arising from your separation.